Data controller

GUILLEM EXPORT, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as DETERRA)


Provision of online services. Web user management. Commercial communications related to our services.

Legal grounds

Express consent and legitimate interest


No data is passed on to third parties, except where there is a legal obligation to do so.


Access, rectify and delete data, including other rights, as explained in the additional information.

Additional information

At DETERRA we work to offer you the best possible experience through our products and services. In order to achieve this, in some cases it is necessary to collect information. We care about your privacy and believe we should be transparent about it.

Therefore, and for the purposes of the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and LAW 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, “LSSI”), DETERRA informs the user that, as data controller, it will incorporate the personal data provided by users in an automated file.

Our commitment starts by explaining the following:

Your data is collected to improve the user experience, based on your interests and needs.

We are transparent about what data we collect about you and why we collect it.

Our intention is to offer you the best possible experience. Therefore, when we use your personal information, we will always do so in a compliant manner, and where necessary, we will seek your consent.

We understand that your data belongs to you. Therefore, if you decide not to authorise us to process your data, you can ask us to stop.

Our priority is to ensure your security and to treat your data in accordance with European regulations.

If you would like more information about how we process your data, please see the various sections of the privacy policy below:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?


Registered office: CALLE MESTRE D´AIXA, 2, XERESA, VALENCIA, CP 46.790

Company Tax Number: B98165095


DETERRA has appointed a Data Protection Officer or an internal contact person within its organisation. If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer or internal contact person, at

What personal data do we collect?

The personal data that the user may provide:

Name, address and date of birth.

Telephone number and e-mail address.


Information on payments and refunds.

IP address, date and time that you accessed our services, the internet browser you are using and the details of your device’s operating system.

Any other information or data you choose to share with us.

In some cases, it is compulsory to complete the registration form in order to access and enjoy certain services offered on the website; likewise, failure to provide the personal data requested or failure to accept this data protection policy means that you will not be able to subscribe, register or participate in any of the promotions in which personal data is requested.

Why and for what purpose do we process your data?

DETERRA processes the information provided by persons concerned for the following purposes:

Manage orders or contract any of our services, either online or at the company’s physical premises.

Manage the sending of the information that you request from us.

Develop commercial actions and carry out the maintenance and management of the relationship with the user, as well as the management of the services offered through the website and information tasks, being able to carry out automatic assessments, profiling and customer segmentation tasks with the aim of personalising data processing in accordance with its characteristics and needs and improving the customer’s online experience.

Develop and manage any competitions, prize draws or other promotional activities that may be organised.

In some cases it will be necessary to provide information to authorities or third-party companies for auditing purposes, as well as to handle personal data from invoices, contracts and documents in order to respond to customer or government requests.

We inform you that the personal data obtained as a result of your registration as a user will form part of the Record of Processing Activities and Operations (RAT, Spanish acronym), which will be updated periodically in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

What are the legal grounds for the processing of your data?

The processing of your data can be based on the following legal grounds:

Consent of the data subject for the contracting of services and products, for contact forms, requests for information or registration in e-newsletters.

Legitimate interest for the processing of our customers’ data for direct marketing purposes and the express consent of the data subject for all matters relating to automatic assessments and profiling.

Compliance with legal obligations for fraud prevention, communication with public authorities and third-party requests.

How long do we keep your data?

The data processed for the purposes described will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected (for example, for the duration of the commercial relationship), as well as for the fulfilment of the legal obligations arising from the processing of the data.

To which recipients are your data communicated?

In some cases, only when necessary, DETERRA will provide user data to third parties, with the exception of the other companies in the group. However, the data will never be sold to third parties. External service providers (e.g. payment providers or delivery companies) with whom DETERRA works, may use the data to provide the relevant services, however, they will not use such information for their own purposes or transfer it to third parties.

DETERRA seeks to ensure the security of personal data when it is sent outside the company and ensures that third-party service providers respect confidentiality and have adequate measures in place to protect personal data. These third parties are obliged to ensure that the information is processed in accordance with data privacy regulations.

In some cases, personal data may be required by law to be disclosed to public bodies or other parties, but it will only be disclosed where such disclosure is strictly necessary for the fulfilment of said legal obligations.

The personal data obtained may also be shared with other companies of the group.

Where is your data stored?

In general, the data are stored within the EU. For data sent to third parties outside the EU, we will ensure that they offer a sufficient level of protection, either because they have Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) or because they have signed up to the Privacy Shield.

What rights do you have and how can you exercise them?

You can send your communications and exercise your rights by sending a request to the following e-mail address:

Under the provisions of the GDPR, you can request:

Right of access: you may request information about the personal data we hold about you.

Right of rectification: you can communicate any change in your personal data.

Right to erasure and the right to be forgotten: you can request the deletion of your personal data after it has been blocked.

Right to restrict processing: this entails the restriction of the processing of personal data.

Right to object: you can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data by objecting to further processing.

Right to portability: in some cases, you may request a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format for transmission to another data controller.

Right not to be subject to individualised decisions: you can ask not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produce legal effects or significantly affect the data subject.

In some cases, your request may be refused if you request the deletion of data necessary for compliance with legal obligations.

In addition, if you have a complaint about the processing of your data, you can file a complaint with the data protection authority.

Who is responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data provided?

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data included, exonerating DETERRA from any liability in this regard. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form. DETERRA reserves the right to terminate the services contracted with users in the event that the information provided is false, incomplete, inaccurate or not up-to-date.

DETERRA is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own creation and for which another source is indicated. It does not therefore assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may arise from the use of such information.

DETERRA reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its website and may even limit or deny access to such information. DETERRA is exonerated from liability for any loss or damage that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by DETERRA provided that it comes from outside sources.

Likewise, the user certifies that they are over 14 years of age and that they have the necessary legal capacity to consent to the processing of their personal data.

How do we process the personal data of minors?

In principle, our services are not specifically aimed at minors. However, in the event that any of our services are addressed to minors under the age of fourteen, in accordance with article 8 of the GDPR and article 7 of Organic Law LO3/2018, of 5 December (Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD Spanish acronym)), DETERRA will require the valid, free, unequivocal, specific and informed consent of their legal guardians in order to process the personal data of minors. In this case, the National Identity Card or other form of identification of the person giving consent shall be required.

In the case of persons over fourteen years of age, data may be processed with the consent of the user, except in those cases in which the law requires the consent of the holders of parental authority or guardianship.

What security measures do we apply to protect your personal data?

DETERRA has adopted the legally required levels of security for the protection of Personal Data, and endeavours to install any other additional technical means and measures to which it has access in order to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of Personal Data provided to DETERRA

DETERRA is not responsible for hypothetical damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns of telecommunications or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system, caused by reasons beyond the control of DETERRA with respect to delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or the overloading of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Centre, the Internet system or other electronic systems, including damage that may be caused by third parties through illegal interference beyond the control of DETERRA. However, the user must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not unbreachable.

Links to other websites

The website may contain links to other websites. By clicking on one of these links and accessing an external website, the visit to the site will be subject to the privacy policy of that website, and DETERRA shall not be held responsible for its privacy policy.

How do we use cookies?

The DETERRA website and its social media use cookies to optimise and personalise your browsing experience. Cookies are physical information files that are stored on the user’s own device. The information collected through cookies is used to facilitate the user’s browsing of the portal and to optimise the browsing experience. The data collected through cookies may be shared with their creators, but in no case will the information obtained by said creators be associated with personal data or data that can identify the user.

However, if you do not want cookies to be installed on your hard drive, you can configure your browser settings to prevent the installation of these files. For more information please see our cookie policy.

Can the privacy policy be modified?

This privacy policy can be modified. We recommend that you review the privacy policy on a regular basis.